How to Speedtest Your Server

By Richard Szibele
28 May, 2017

I needed to speedtest my GNU/Linux server for my last post UltraVPS: Cheap VPS Hosting Starting at 2€ per Month and I looked at different approaches and the best one seems to be using the speedtest python script from sivel on Github.

On your server, execute the following command to download the speedtest script:

$ wget

then set the script to executable:

$ chmod +x

and finally execute the speedtest script:

$ ./

After executing the script, the output looks like this:

$ ./
Retrieving configuration...
Testing from Providerdienste (
Retrieving server list...
Selecting best server based on ping...
Hosted by IT Ohlendorf (Salzgitter) [111.93 km]: 1.417 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 496.99 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
Upload: 635.29 Mbit/s

I recommend you execute the script multiple times and choose the best result, as a single execution only tests your servers speed with a single speedtest server and not every speedtest server has good upload and download rates to give a good result.

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